BEST AUTOTECH Sp. z o.o. is a manufacturer of plastic parts for automotive industry. The Company carries out its business activities in Poland.
The company was registered in Skoczów under the name Koam Sp. z o.o. in September 2012. The plant in Bażanowice was established in 2016, while production activities began in January 2017. A year later in January 2018, a professional Paint Line for plastic elements based on the latest Korean technology was launched at the plant in Bażanowice. In November 2018, the company changed its owner, and then adopted the name BEST AUTOTECH Sp. z o.o.
Every month the Company has been gradually expanding its production, simultaneously striving to employ more and more people. Currently there are 25 machines and two Paint Lines in the plant in Bażanowice and about 450 people employed there.